The Holland Holstien sHow is still increasing!

The Holland Holstien sHow is still increasing!

“The Holland Holstien sHow is still increasing! Just like last year it turns out that many farmers want to show there cows on the show. This gives the organization of the event a tremendous boost.”; according to chairman Hans Puttenstein. This year there will be 179 Holstein and 100 Red Holstein present at the show.

A big future ahead with so many Young Breeders

The enthusiasm of the youth is quite big. During the year the Young Breeders got trained how to fit there cows. So during the Young Breeders competition they all know what to do. This year there will be 120 Young Breeders in action at the show, of which 62 will take part on the clipping competition.

Mr Chassity Gold Chip & Jotan Red are the bulls with most daughters at the HHH-show

The Holstein competition knows a top 3 bulls: Mr Chassity Gold Chip (11 daughters), Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood (9 daughters) en Val-Bisson Doorman (8 daughters). Red Holstein has one big supplier of daughters: Jotan Red has 17 daughters been shown at the HHH. The other big supplier of daughters at the Red Holstein competition is Big Apple Red with 7 daughters. Other bulls have only one, two or three daughters shown at the Red Holstein competition.

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