Daughtergroups make the HHH sHow of 2017 complete

Daughtergroups make the HHH sHow of 2017 complete

“We are proud to announce that also this year several daughtergroups will be present at the Holland Holstein sHow. Every year we want to offer everything about Holstein breeding to our members, visitors and sponsors. The Holland Holstein Show is the place to be; both the numbers of animals and the sponsors are still increasing at our show.’’; according to chairman Hans Puttenstein. Breeding organization CRV and importers Semex and WWS are showing new bulls of international allure.

CRV will show a group of Delta Saxobeat (Epic x Bolton). Saxobeat broke through as a new proven bull in April this year. He kept his high level through this year: a combination of high milk potential (+1.364kg) and a high conformation index of 112. Meanwhile, Saxobeat has 230 daughters in the Netherlands, spread over 179 farmers.

Remarkable is the daughtergroup of Semex: Doorman (Bookem x Shottle). Also last year they showed daughters of Doorman at the Holland Holstein sHow. Doorman is famous in North America due to all his showsuccess of his daughters and his high conformation index. Doorman offers a complete different bloodline in the top of conformation bulls.

WWS sent a group of Mc Cutchen last year, which makes it unique that they present a daughter group of his son Kingboy (Mc Cutchen x Superstition) this year. In America, he is ranked high in the top 100 TPI, where he belongs to a very select group bulls with more than 3.00 Total Exterior (PTAT). Kingboy’s inheritance is characterized by good scores in all areas, with an extra touch for conformation.

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